On the Saturday of the OSU vs. Kansas football game, we got the opportunity to take the kids to Stillwater and attend the football game. Harper is a veteran of OSU football, but it just so happens that this was Owens very first game. It really came as no surprise that he loved it from the get go. "Oh a football player", was all he could say for like the first ten minutes. It was funny though because before this time his idea of a football player involved his cowboy boots and his cape and they kicked a football. So this was probably eye opening. His next point of fascination came with the Orange Power chant, he quickly figured out how to yell out POWER as the opposite side of the stadium yelled ORANGE. He then went to daycare and taught the chant at the lunch table, having opposite sides yell their parts. Also at the game Larry got him to tell out "stomp the Jayhawks", much to the amusement of the fans around us. He truly loved the experience........until it started raining. Harper enjoyed the game like a true veteran, she got her pre-game face paint,with her cheerleader outfit. She just loves going to Stillwater (thank God). Overall it was a great day and a great game, love those Stillwater days with my family!