Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lets hit the water...

For my birthday I had one request, money to be put toward the purchase of a second kayak. I have had the blue kayak for nearly 5 years now. They only draw back has been that I have to use it by myself.  After adding the new kayak to the mix the kiddos and myself were very excited to get it out and into the water. Early on the Monday morning after making the purchase we loaded the boats up and headed out to the river, packed our water, sunscreened up, and we were ready. This was going to be Harper's first solo kayak, which made me slightly nervous, but she assured me she was ready. She climbed in and I launched her from the ramp, she quickly paddled off like she had been doing it for years, which was a promising beginning. 

Then Owen and I climbed into my kayak together, launched and paddled off after her. Then the Oklahoma wind decided to factor in to our adventure. Harper was having a bit of a learning curve, which wasn't helped by the wind gusts.  We paddled around for a little bit and then the struggles began. While we were attempting to paddle back towards the ramp the wind was trying to let us know that wasn't the best idea. Harper got a little frustrated with the wind and Owen was hollering at her to "stop smashing into stuff", as she was trying to avoid the shore and the overhanging trees, thanks wind gusts. We finally made it back to a shore, got everyone ashore and proceeded to drag our boats the 200 yards back to the car. All in all it was a successful trip no one hated it and I was able to get everyone back out this morning for some paddling fun. We were joined by Melissa, which helped the kids enthusiasm. I am very excited for the future river adventures my family and I may be having....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Harvest '13

There is a lot to be said about being in the wide open spaces. Two weeks ago we were knee deep in all of the activities associated with wheat and canola harvest. Both of which by the way Owen loves and Harper just so happens to secretly enjoy being at the farm. Owen spent plenty of time rotating from combine to wheat truck, to hay hauling truck to tuckered out... (Which happens to be the cost of going 100mph, he gets so excited about farming!)

He even made a new friend along the way....

Harper spent much of her time "helping" Grandma Marks, one of their favorite activities is preparing brownies and fixing lunch. It is truly special time they get to spend together that I am sure Grandma loves. Owen became my number-one-hay-fork-operator this year as it was our job to move the 25 hay bails to farm, he rode shotgun in the middle clutching the hydraulic switch the whole time. He took this job very seriously, as is indicated by the picture taken shortly after he told me "I want you to run the hay fork downer", I'm sure he wanted me to gain the valuable experience he was so closely guarding.  I know I've said it before, but I consider myself lucky to be able to give my kids this experience of growing up farming and truly learning the value of hard work, getting dirty, eating sandwiches in the field together and helping other people.  It is an experience I hope will have a lasting effect in shaping their futures. I truly cherish this time spent with my sidekicks!