Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marathon..... Check!

This morning found Melissa, Larry, Loy, Cole, Melanie, and myself heading downtown to the Memorial for our respective races. You may have known that Melissa and I have been training to run the full marathon..... That's right 26.2 freaking miles, crazy or committed? That's debatable. All that to say, Melissa suffered an unfortunate ankle injury and was unable to run the full marathon, instead she threw herself into organizing all of the family marathon viewing spots. This also gave her the opportunity to run the one-mile fun run with Harper, I think they had a blast, I was at like mile 13 when they started, so I don't actually get to see. Melissa organized a flawless viewing route and schedule and they were able to see me and cheer me on at every spot, which was necessary and very appreciated. Each time their cheers gave me the boost I needed to keep going. The most exhilarating part was seeing them at the finish line cheering me on to the end! Well, I finished in jut a shade under four hours and thirty minutes. It hurt, but nothing feels better than knowing I ran each of those 26 miles! Takeaway message? If I can do it anyone can do it! Thanks to everyone for their support, especially Melissa! I'll be there for you next year!

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