In the weeks leading up to the birth of Owen, Melissa and I were concerned as to how Harper would adjust to life with a little brother. Up to this point she had been the center of our universe and now she was going to have to share the spotlight. I think it caused Melissa and I more distress than it was actually creating in Harper. One amazing quality that Harper possesses is an ability to nurture. So with this ability it was only natural that she get a baby brother that she could care for. Harper has been practicing the art of child rearing since she could walk and got her first baby. The collection of baby dolls has swelled to somewhere in the neighbor hood of ten to twelve. All rest diapered and dressed on her small baby bed. Owen arriving gave Harper the opportunity to put those skills to the test. From the moment she first met him, it was all love, she was so excited to be able to hold her baby brother. Even with all of her "baby" diaper changing experience, she was not prepared for what awaited her in his first diaper changing in the hospital. All that said, Harper is doing a wonderful job of adjusting to her brother being in the house, and she wants to be very helpful. I have also found that it is impossible to bring her brother into the same room with her without stooping down so that she can give him a kiss. I wish this level of love would continue all through the growing years, but alas, there will be many changes in the years ahead. For right now I am just loving seeing my kids interact with each other!