Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Giving Mommy a break

Today I decided to give Melissa a break, during which she decided to do work for me, by taking Harper to the zoo. We had a great time, as her and I don't really get to do a lot just the two of us. We were doing all the zoo things, looking at the monkeys first. Then we went to search out the elusive white tiger cubs, which actually turned out to be snow leopard cubs. Then we decided to head into the Oklahoma exhibit. big mistake.... I think today was "go to the zoo and take every kid you know day". There were people everywhere! Harper was completely content riding in her stroller eating her dried fruit and nut trail mix, and drinking the flavored water I had packed for me to drink. She was having a great time looking at all the animals when the announcement came over the loudspeaker, "the zoo will be closing in fifteen minutes, please make your way to the exits". So I tell Harper it's time to head home. Naturally she asks, "is it time for the animals to go nite-nite?" so I nonchalantly tell her, "yes, it is time for the animals to go nite-nite soon." At this point we are by the new lion overlook and there are a few people around making their way to the gate when out of nowhere......(Hands cupped around her mouth for maximum amplification) "Nite-Nite animals!" Yes, that's right, she yelled goodnight to all of the zoo animals. I love her nurturing instincts. All in all it was a wonderful afternoon at the zoo hangin with my baby girl.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Promise

This evening I was unloading the dishwasher and Harper was standing in the kitchen with me.  I noticed that she was staring up at the open cabinet which contains or cups and mugs.  On the top shelf I like to keep my travel coffee mugs.  It was these that Harper was eyeing.  We had been talking again, at dinner, about what she wanted to be when she grows up.  While standing in the kitchen, staring at the mugs, and formulating her future, Harper asked me a question.  "Daddy when I go to work at the hospital, can I take one of those coffee cups in case I want some coffee?"  I know it doesn't seem like much, but in an instant I flashed ahead 25 years and had visions of her using one of my mugs that I had promised to her when she was 3.  It just made me feel happy to hope someday I will be that important to her.  I then promised her that when she is all grown-up I will buy her her very own coffee mug.  But she said, "no Daddy, one of those will be just fine."  

Professional Soccer Player

Yesterday, Harper and I were outside kicking the soccer ball around and practicing taking shots.  I was pleasantly surprised by the progress she has made since this summer.  In the midst of the practicing Harper looks at me and says, "I don't wanna be a doctor when I grow up anymore, I wanna be a soccer player."  I just stopped and thanked God that my little princess is shooting for the stars with her future.