Thursday, September 29, 2011

Go Fly a Kite

Sunday was an absolutely beautiful day, but a little on the windy side. Wasn't gonna slow our family down we decided to use the wind to our advantage. Mel had the great idea of breaking out the kites. That didn't mean the little plastic wing shaped kites with only one cross piece, oh no. In this family we don't do anything small, we have three fairly complex nylon and wooden dowel kites. Two airplanes and one menacing pirate ship. Once all three were mostly assembled, we had left-over pieces, we took to the pasture and had a fun few hours of flying and attempting to fly kites. At one point I made the observation to Melissa that the kids were sitting in the yard with Grandma, and the adults were out flying the kites. Our family also likes to channel their inner-child on occasion. All that to say it was a great Sunday afternoon!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Super Hereo!

Yes you read that correctly, and in case you didn't know that's exactly what Owen fancies himself as these days. He is loving nothing more than donning his cape, his boots ( yeah that's right, what super hero is complete without their cowboy boots) and his new cowboy belt! That outfits strikes fear into the hearts of..... Well at least it looks pretty cute, I mean tough. I really just get a kick out of hearing him yell out "Super Hereo" and then run around making his cape flap and boots clack!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Summer Fun

Better late than never right?

This summer as in years past I have had the immeasurable joy of taking care of my kids while Melissa works. We had many days filled with fun, playing and mostly staying inside. This summer was brutal on the weather front, but we still managed to squeeze in our zoo trips.
I think the best part might have been sleeping until 8:30 with my little guy who managed to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night.
Unfortunately the weather was so uncooperative that about all we could manage was to get outside around 8:30 and play for maybe an hour. By then it would begin to boil outside and we would retreat to the air-conditioning. This was when I became very thankful for Netflix.
There were many times when it was awesome To sit and watch my kiddos playing, but a split second later they were fighting. I was instantly transported back to my own childhood.
We did have one last blast of summer, in a three day stretch we went to the park, the zoo and splash pad, and finally the movies to catch Kung Fu Panda 2! It was yet another great summer as the stay home Dad. I am thankful for the time and opportunity to be with my babies.