I want to start by saying that I feel like I have been greatly blessed with my two special kids. I also never expected two kids to be so hectic. When you have one little baby you are up
a lot during the night, but when they are sleeping you can be sleeping, but with two, it's no longer the case. It seems as if as soon soon as Owen falls back asleep after his 5:00 a.m. feeding Harper springs out of bed at 7:00. Another difference in having two kids is that Owen seems to be growing a lot
faster than Harper did. With Harper we had the time to just sit back and watch all of her little moments. I feel like life is as busy as ever and Owen will be walking and talking way before I am ready for that. I also believe Harper is secretly praying for her brother to grow up so that she has someone to play with, her pretend students are about to outgrow her class I think. One thing is for sure, I wouldn't dream of having it any other way.