I recently had the great honor of taking my little princess to the daddy daughter dance. As was the case last year she most looked forward to getting all dressed up and going to see her friends. She got to choose my suit and tie yet again this year, which isn't a tremendously tough chore because I only have two complete suits. She got all made up and Grandma came over and helped her do her hair because Mommy was away on a scrap retreat. This year we decided to get to the dance early in order to get our pictures done quickly and avoid waiting and missing valuable boogie time. I have to admit my heart was very happy at the fact that my little girl was so excited to go to this dance with me. When the dance began we wasted no time, they played all of the best dance songs, the twist, purple people eater, chicken dance, and we did a few slow dances. Of course a Daddy-Daughter dance would not be complete without some Hanna Montana and Harper stunned me with her knowledge of Justin Beiber. Thank goodness she isn't suffering from Beiber Fever, as she is too young. All said we had another amazing time and I am looking forward to next years dance already!
We finished up the evening by having dinner, I asked her where she wanted to eat. Her first response was Chili's, which on a saturday night is way too busy. But we drove by and checked anyway. I then asked her where else she wanted to go, hoping and pushing for Louie's, but my little princess that was all dolled up ultimately decided on Bad Brad's in all of its soked meat glory. To top it off she really wanted to eat Ribs, again in her very beautiful dress. We had a great time and created memories that I will carry with me forever.