Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Living Room Tent, Oh Yeah

This afternoon I finally got around to fixing my broken recliner.  In order to get to the broken rocking mechanism to put in a new bolt, I had to flip the chair up on its side.  I then went to the garage to get tools for Harper and I to fix the chair.  You see if I am fixing something my little helper has to also have tools to "fixer" with.  After we worked together to get the chair back to shipshape, Harper had a brilliant brainstorm.  She hollers out, I am going to go get my blankies to make a tent.  So I moved her chair around in front of the recliner and laid her blaket over the top of the two, as instructed.  She climbed inside with her blankets and pillow and watched an episode of the Smurfs on tv.  This whole thing took me back to my days as an excited little boy that loved nothing more than to build "forts" in the livingroom.  It was tons of fun seeing how much she enjoyed it.

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