Now I am thirty years old, yeah that's right thirty, the big 3-0. I have to admit though that I still feel like a kid. That same kid who had to muster the courage to ask my now wife out on a date and start my lifes track. The track that would bring me to the point where I am now, loving life and being more blessed than any man should be. I am going to run down a list of thirty things I am thankful for, cherish, make me happy, smile, etc.
30. Dec. 12, 1997
29. Garden City KS, it is here I discovered my passion for teaching
28. Creating things with my hands.
27. the feeling you get after a hard day of mindless, skilled work
26. The 7-11 ladies
25. Car trips with my family
24. A good law fiction book - Grisham
23. Any opportunity to be creative
22. Being a big tech geek, if it can be wired up I will try it
21. Being Mr. Barlow
20. Discovering the joys of being a Watch Dog
19. The awesomness of Mac
18. If you know me you know my love of iPods - we have 1.5 ipods per family member
17. Monday night hoops, it makes me feel like a kid and channels my competitive jerk
16. A good documentary film
15. Being an NPR geek, if it talk, I'll listen
14. the feeling you get after completing a tough run
13. Sunday mornings
12. The burn of a good Pepsi
11. "I wuv you Daddy"
10. Having lunch at school with my princess
9. Making our home a place filled with love
8. Just hanging out a playing at home or the farm
7. Family time at the kitchen table
6. The challenge of being the best man I can be for my kids
5. Running with my best friend
4. The fact that I have arrived at 30 and I feel like God has blessed me with so much, and looking into the future filled with many more blessings
3. Owen - my sweet tough little guy
2. Harper - The sunshine in my life
1. Melissa - She is my rock, my partner, my buddy, my Best Friend, the Love of my Life... You get the point!
Wow, thirty is a lot. Just a short list of the things that make my life so good, I am sure I have left some things off. For anyone who reads this, just know that I cherish the love of family and your friendships, laughter, and caring. These are all things that make my life awesome.